All Saints CofE (VA) Primary School

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Diary Dates

Spring Term 2025

Diary dates given out at the start of term.  Please see the Calendar/Listings for the most up to date information.

Monday 6th January

INSET DAY – School Closed

Tuesday 7th January

Term starts at 8:45am

Monday 13th January

9am: Maths workshop Year 1 and Year 6

Tuesday 14th January

9am: Maths workshop for Reception and Year 4

 Tuesday 14th January

7pm: PTA Meeting

Wednesday 15th January

9am: Maths workshop for Year 3

Thursday 16th January

9am: Maths workshop for Year 2 and Year 5

Tuesday 21st January

Reception Active Mats Workshop

Friday 24th January

9am: Year 1 sharing during Celebration Assembly

Friday 31st January

9am: Year 2 sharing during Celebration Assembly

Wednesday 5th February

Author Visit

Wednesday 5th February

3:15pm: KS2 SATS information session for Y6 parents

Friday 7th February

9am: Year 5 sharing during Celebration Assembly

Tuesday 11th February

Safer Internet Day

Wednesday 12th February

Year 6 Rowing Session

Friday 14th February

9am: Year 4 sharing during Celebration Assembly

Monday 17th – Friday 21st February

February Half Term – School Closed

Friday 28th February

Year 4 Fit Kidz Session

Tuesday 4th March

10:30am Pancake Day Race (Parents Welcome)

Wednesday 5th March

RAH Gala Rehearsal for choir (Harpenden) 12:30 – 2:30pm

Thursday 6th March

World Book Day

Friday 7th March

9am: Reception sharing during Celebration Assembly

Friday 7th March

Year 4 Fit Kidz Session

Friday 14th March

9am: Year 3 sharing during Celebration Assembly

Friday 14th March

Year 4 Fit Kidz Session

Monday 19th March

Knex Challenge (Y5 and Y6)

Friday 21st March

9am: Year 6 sharing during Celebration Assembly

Comic Relief

Friday 21st March

Year 4 Fit Kidz Session

Sunday 23rd March

Royal Albert Hall Gala (Choir)

Tuesday 25th March

Parent Consultations (3:20pm – 6:30pm)

Thursday 27th March

Parent Consultations (3:20pm – 5:30pm)

Friday 28th March

Drumming Workshop

Thursday 3rd April

9:30am:  Easter Church Service

Friday 4th April

Spring Term ends at 2pm