All Saints CofE (VA) Primary School

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History is brought to life by exploiting opportunities to visit localities of historical significance to enrich the children’s learning. Workshops and visitors to the school also enhance the learning, understanding and recall of our History curriculum. Children learn by exploring and doing wherever possible. Each topic is carefully planned to ensure that National Curriculum requirements are met across the school. Our approach gives children the opportunity to explore a topic in a variety of ways. Lessons can range from creative art sessions to writing diary entries; it aims to bring learning in History to life and inspires children with a love of learning. Children are able to gain a deeper understanding of the past and can use historical terms to talk about it and know how it has impacted on our lives today.


Children studying history at All Saints:

  • Develop a secure sense of chronology which is reinforced both is history lessons and in relevant cross-curricular activities.
  • Develop historical knowledge and understanding through full coverage of the National Curriculum topics with the opportunity to reinforce this knowledge and understanding in different contexts.
  • Develop a sense of their cultural heritage by understanding that the society in which they live has been shaped by past events. Where opportunities arise, comparative studies show expansion from local to global impact.
  • Develop an understanding of abstract terms with historical origins such as empire, democracy and Parliament.
  • Develop respect for, and tolerance of, other people and cultures. In addition to ensuring this is covered in the context of NC topics, special focus topics give the opportunity to address this directly, e.g. school-wide Black History Month, special assemblies relating to historical events/people.
  • Develop an appreciation of the concepts continuity and change as well as cause and effect.
  • Develop inquiry skills through studying evidence, asking questions and problem solving. The choice of NC topics assigned to year groups takes into account skill set of that year group and the availability of resources to match (and stretch) those skills.
  • Develop the ability to communicate historical knowledge in oral, written and visual forms using appropriate vocabulary and techniques.
  • Develop enthusiasm for the study of history through class trips and/or workshops conducted by external experts linking directly to history topics being covered by relevant year groups.