All Saints CofE (VA) Primary School

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Christmas Trees

On Monday, Reverend Susannah led our worship and reflected on Christmas trees and what some of their decorations symbolise.  It was perfect timing as some of our Year 6 children had decorated our Christmas tree that morning.  She even dressed up as a Christmas Tree.  

We thought about the evergreen tree and how it could be seen to represent everlasting life with God.  We reflected on some of the connections to the Christmas story and talked about the stars, the angels and the gifts that may be placed around the tree.  We didn’t think that any of us would be getting Gold, Frankincense or Myrrh for Christmas this year although Year 2 were able to tell us all about what these gifts symbolised. 

There were some wonderful reflections, including Harrison building on ideas that he had heard about the baubles perhaps representing our world and thinking about how they look a bit like they have a crown on the top of them and could represent God as the King of all the World.  Leo, in Year 3, made a wonderful connection considering how the lights and sparkles shine out bringing a sense of hope, even on a dark day.  

I wonder if you can take a moment this weekend to enjoy all that your own Christmas tree represents to you.