All Saints CofE (VA) Primary School

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French Breakfast

A wonderful morning was enjoyed by all today, with a visit to Le Café Français for breakfast. Every class, from Reception to Year 6, ordered ‘un pain au chocolat’, ‘un croissant’ or ‘une brioche’ to eat and ‘un jus de pomme’, ‘un jus d’orange’ or ‘de l’eau’ to drink.

While the accordion music drifted gently across the transformed classroom, the Year 6 children used their best French speaking skills to take orders and serve each class. Well done to all our children and teachers for ordering their breakfast in French, and thank you to the oldest children who waited until all the other classes had been served to finally sit down to eat!

We were so impressed with the creative and colourful costumes worn by all the children today, filling the playground with red, white and blue. We have also seen chic Parisian ladies, incredible artists and a very authentic looking French baker.

Our enormous thanks go out to the P.T.A. for their contributions to this fantastic fundraising event and for helping us to create such a warm and enjoyable experience for the children.