All Saints CofE (VA) Primary School

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Stationery Stall

Some of the Year 6 children wrote to me last half term to ask about a small business idea they to raise funds for classroom equipment and to donate to charity. It has been wonderful to see them bringing their plan of setting up a stationery stall to fruition! 

The stall, which is now up and running on Wednesday and Friday break times, sells a variety of small items, including pencil sharpeners, pens, pencils, notepads and erasers.  It is testament to their proactive nature and understanding of teamwork that every member of Year 6 has been involved in some way to make the stall a success. 

Thank you to the marketing team, finance officers, C.O.O. and sales assistants and to the children who have generously donated unused stationery from their own collections. Particular thanks to Martha, who has organised rotas and stock control and to her mum for the initial donation which allowed the children to purchase items for the stall.  They will be buying an electric pencil sharpener for their classroom and donating other profits to the Nephrotic Syndrome Trust, a charity close to their hearts.