All Saints CofE (VA) Primary School

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School Day 

8:35 - 8:45

Pupils arrive at school and wait on the playground


School starts

8:45 - 9:00

Registration and early morning work

9:00 - 10:25

Morning lessons

10:25 - 10:40

9:00 - 9:30

Collective Worship (Mon - Thurs)

Celebration Collective Worship (Fri)

10:40 - 10:55

Morning break

10:55 - 12:00

Morning lessons

12:00 - 1:00

Lunch break

1:00 - 3:15

Afternoon lessons


School finishes

Drop off and pick up

Being a village school, we work with our local community to ensure a positive start to every school day. To aid the flow of traffic before and after school, we operate a voluntary, unofficial one-way system along Hollybush Lane, past the school and around onto Baines Lane, back to Bury Lane.

We also offer a ‘stop and drop’ scheme for pupils in Year 3 and above from 8:35 each morning, for which we have an attendant who will open your car door at the school gates, guide children safely onto the playground and allow you to drive off promptly, easing any congestion around the school entrance.

Our local farmer also very kindly allows access to his neighbouring field for parking from the summer term until October half term.

Parents walking to school with children enter by the school gate on church path. Our playground is supervised from 8:35am onwards. Parents are invited to stay with their children on the playground until the bell rings at 8:45am, at which time children line up by their classrooms. We ask that parents and children remain outside of the Reception covered outdoor learning area so that activities can be set up in preparation for lessons.

Pupils arriving after classroom doors have closed, must enter by the main entrance. It is important that families adhere to this in the interests of safety so that our building is secure and so that registers are accurate in the case of a fire.

We ask that parents and carers allow the class teacher to take in the class without attempting to discuss any issues at the start of the school day, so that lessons can start promptly and smoothly. If you do need to get a message through to the teacher urgently, please come and speak to someone at the school office and we will ensure the information is passed on as soon as is appropriate.

At collection time at the end of the school day, we ask that parents and carers gather in the waiting area by church path. At 3:15pm, the school gates are unlocked and people picking up children from Reception and Key Stage 1 are invited onto the playground to wait for their child to be let out of class and handed over to them. Pupils in Key Stage 2 are encouraged to leave class independently and meet parents over at the waiting area. Any child who is late being picked up is taken to the office to await collection. If, after 15 minutes, a child is still not collected, they will be taken to the after-school club, Rising Stars Wraparound Care, and a charge will be incurred.